Share Your Luck

Legacy Society

What is the Legacy Society?

The Lucky Duck Foundation’s Legacy Society honors everyone who has included the Lucky Duck Foundation in their estate plan.

You are entitled to be a member if you have included the Lucky Duck Foundation as a beneficiary in any of the following:

  • Will
  • Living Trust
  • Retirement Plan
  • Life insurance policy
  • Life income gift arrangement (charitable remainder trust, charitable gift annuity)

Why join the LDF Legacy Society?

  • To share with the community that part of your legacy is to support community-centered nonprofits like LDF;
  • To inspire others to similarly make community philanthropy a part of their legacy;
  • To receive insider updates and be invited to special events and be given an opportunity to share your ideas on how LDF can expand its impact on the community;
  • To receive regular tips to leverage your charitable plans into tax savings.

Include the Lucky Duck Foundation in your Will or Estate Plan 

Leave a legacy of support for LDF:

  • Let us add you as a member of the Legacy Society once you have included LDF in your will, living rust, retirement plan, life insurance or life income gift.
  • Let us plan with you how to direct your gift to a LDF project that is meaningful to you and your family.
  • Let us plan with you to use your estate to benefit the Lucky Duck Foundation rather than Uncle Sam while also maximizing your returns.

Plan Your Legacy with the Lucky Duck Foundation

Throughout your life, careful planning allowed you to make gifts to Lucky Duck Foundation while still providing for your family.

Meet with us so we can share ideas about creating an estate plan to (1) achieve your personal goals to provide for your retirement and your family and (2) leave a legacy through your support of important organizations like Lucky Duck Foundation.

Ways to Give Through Your Estate

Will: Add a provision in your will that allocates a specific dollar amount or percentage of your estate to support LDF.

Living Trust: Same as above. Beware that only assets transferred to your Living Trust will be affected by your Living Trust provisions.

Retirement Plan: Add LDF to the beneficiary section of your retirement plan or life insurance.

Sample Language

I give _________ ($_________) or ________ percentage (__%) to Lucky Duck Foundation, a IRC section 501©(3) organization, tax identification number ___________, located at 5675 Ruffin Rd., Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92123. I have further instructions as to how LDF can use these funds in a separate Gift Agreement.

Gift Agreement

LDF suggests, but does not require that you create a separate document to elaborate on your instructions for the intended use of your gift to LDF. This document can also share your family values to help future leadership at LDF determine the most meaningful use of your gift.

Our Free Offer: Create A Will to include the Lucky Duck Foundation

Let us help you start your estate plan today by reimbursing you for the cost to create your will. To do so, contact Drew Moser, Executive Director, at 619-417-1149 or to learn more. We look forward to working with you!

Please do not hesitate to contact us so we can provide suggestions on ways to maximize tax savings while supporting our efforts.

Additionally, we are glad to subsidize a portion of your estate planning expenses, whether you do so online or with an attorney (as we recommend).

Please contact our Executive Director Drew Moser at to learn more.

Make a Donation

Your recurring gift will help people in need monthly. Your donation will support the areas of greatest and most immediate need.

Make a Donation

Your recurring gift will help people in need monthly. Your donation will support the areas of greatest and most immediate need.

Subscribe and we will donate socks.

When you subscribe to our newsletter, we will donate a pair of Bombas Socks* on your behalf.

*Socks graciously donated by our collaborative partner, Bombas Socks.

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Makayla Scott

Peer Mentor, Promises2Kids
As an African American first-generation college graduate, I recently earned my Bachelor’s degree in Urban Planning Management and Design. Despite facing the challenges of homelessness and balancing motherhood, I have persevered and am committed to using my experiences to advocate for better urban planning and support for vulnerable communities.”