About Us

The Lucky Duck Foundation

We apply sound business principles, a bias for action, and strategic collaborations to fund, activate and lead programs designed to have a high and immediate impact throughout San Diego County. And our co-founders match all donations up to $1.5 million per year. 

Our Mission

To prevent and alleviate the suffering of homelessness throughout San Diego County

Our Vision

To be a national model for addressing homelessness by applying leadership, expertise, accountability, and sound business principles.

Our Approach

We study the issue daily, meet to strategize weekly, and convene key stakeholders and political leaders regularly to instigate progress, collaboration, and change. We employ sound, principled business practices to ensure that every donation makes a difference. By diligently following the facts, we thoroughly vet every effort in order to fund, activate, and lead high-impact programs. Then, by collaborating with best-in-class organizations, we coordinate and focus local efforts to rally the community and call on elected leaders to act. We endeavor to lead San Diego to best practices in all areas of homelessness.

What we believe

  • It is not safe or humane for anyone to live on the streets. Period. We must care for our region’s most vulnerable citizens.

  • In the critical importance of a warm bed and a roof over one’s head.

  • The current state of homelessness in our region is a public health and public safety crisis that needs to be addressed with a sense of urgency by our entire community, especially local government.  
  • Government alone has not and will not act aggressively, strategically or appropriately to address the crisis. As such, sound business principles and focused philanthropy can drive action and progress with a sense of urgency commiserate with the scope of the problem.  
  • We can be a catalyst for actions that meaningfully reduce homelessness and increase public health and public safety. 

  • Housing is an ideal outcome, however, building or acquiring housing is far too costly and years if not decades away. As such, we believe adding shelter and housing options that are immediately available, humane, and cost-effective is the first step in reducing homelessness. 

  • Ken Blanchard, best-selling author and leadership expert, who happens to live in San Diego County, says, “God did not create any junk. There is a pearl of goodness in everyone. Dig for it and you’ll find it!” We believe these pearls of goodness can be identified much more quickly if people are in shelter or housing rather than the streets.


The Lucky Duck Foundation was formed in 2005 by Pat & Stephanie Kilkenny to raise funds and awareness for numerous charitable causes throughout San Diego. 

In 2016, when Pat & Stephanie noticed a growing and urgent need for leadership and action to address San Diego’s homeless crisis, the late San Diego Padres owner Peter Seidler and business and civic leader Dan Shea were simultaneously calling upon business leaders, politicians, philanthropists, and other stakeholders to join them in taking action to address the issue in a best-in-class, fact-based manner. 


After closely studying homelessness and collaborating with Peter & Dan, Pat & Stephanie knew the Lucky Duck Foundation could have an even greater impact if they focused the Foundation’s efforts squarely on homelessness. They decided to do so, and shortly after pivoting, the Lucky Duck Foundation purchased several large industrial tent structures to provide shelter and critical services for more than 650 individuals.

Originally called the AGIA Foundation (Arrowhead General Insurance Agency), where Pat was the principal, the name was changed to the Lucky Duck Foundation to honor the Kilkenny family’s Irish heritage and as a nod to their love for the University of Oregon.

The premise is simple: if you have had some good luck and fortune in your life, share your luck with those less fortunate. And, Pat & Stephanie match all donations up to $1.5 million per year.

Board of Directors & Executive Leadership

Introducing the Lucky Duck Foundation advisory committee

In order to better inform our work, we have established an advisory committee of individuals with lived homeless experience, including youth and seniors, each with their own story and experience of working to put homelessness behind them.

The advisory committee is led by LDF Board Member Ben Schuster, who was homeless for much of his youth. Ben went on to earn a dual undergraduate degree from Chico State and a Master of Science in Real Estate from the University of San Diego, and worked at BlackRock before joining Comfort Capital as a partner in 2023. Having spent much of his youth homeless, Ben is passionate about using his experience to lead the advisory committee.

The advisory committee meets regularly to discuss the multitude of issues of homelessness throughout San Diego County, including but not limited to navigating the “system” and what works and what doesn’t. Committee members have particular expertise and experience within LDF’s priority areas of youth and seniors. Their perspectives help to inform LDF’s work as it relates to policy and investment of our philanthropic resources.

We look forward to increasing our impact through the leadership, insight and perspectives of the advisory committee.

The Tuesday Group

Many members of LDF’s Board of Directors participate in the Tuesday Group, a group of fact-based business and civic leaders committed to leading San Diego to best practices in all areas of homelessness. The Tuesday Group was co-founded by the late Peter Seidler and Dan Shea and convenes weekly to discuss best-in-class strategies and action steps for improving the San Diego region’s homelessness crisis. Since forming in 2016, the Tuesday Group has met every single Tuesday without missing a Tuesday, including Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and all other holidays.

In Memoriam

Peter Seidler

Peter Seidler was a member of the Lucky Duck Foundation’s Executive Committee and co-founder of the “Tuesday Group.” Peter’s focus and positivity in addressing homelessness were unmatched. He was off the charts amazing on so many levels in his deep commitment to and passion for helping San Diego’s unsheltered neighbors find a brighter path. He insisted that the Tuesday Group meet weekly to determine what the private sector and philanthropy (via the Lucky Duck Foundation) could do to accelerate change and instigate political will, and it is due to his leadership that the Tuesday Group has not missed a weekly meeting since its inception in 2016, including all holidays. While Peter will be deeply missed, his passing will only increase our focus and resolve to immediately prevent and alleviate the suffering of homelessness throughout San Diego County.

Bill Walton

“Bill Walton was larger than life and an extraordinarily selfless friend and leader. He cared deeply about helping those in need and gave generously of his time, talent and treasure. We are the luckiest people in the world that we got to call him a friend. There is no better San Diegan or friend than Bill Walton, and we will miss him dearly. We send our deepest and sincerest condolences to Lori and the entire Walton family.”
 -Pat & Stephanie Kilkenny, Co-founders, Lucky Duck Foundation  

“We are so fortunate to have Bill & Lori Walton’s support and involvement with the Lucky Duck Foundation since day one. Their leadership and generosity have been deeply impactful and valued. Bill was extraordinarily compassionate and passionate about aiding those in need, and, not afraid to speak his mind if he thought it would help others. We are enormously saddened and will miss him sorely. We send our deepest and sincerest condolences to Lori and the entire Walton family.”
 -Drew Moser, CEO, Lucky Duck Foundation 

Fr. Joe Carroll

The late Fr. Joe Carroll was known as the “Hustler Priest” for his gifted ability to raise money. Prior to his passing in 2021, Fr. Joe served as special advisor to LDF’s Board of Directors and was a key contributor to the Tuesday Group. To honor and perpetuate his legacy and all he did for San Diego’s homeless neighbors, we created the “Fr. Joe Hustler of the Year Award” to recognize an individual or organization who embodies his spirit and ability to meaningfully help those experiencing homelessness.

Our most vulnerable neighbors need your help.

Fighting Homelessness in San Diego is All of Our Business

You see those struggling and suffering with homelessness in San Diego and your heart breaks. So many people are experiencing homelessness due to sickness, mental illness, domestic violence, loss of job, loss of home, or other circumstances out of their control. You want to help, but where do you start? What local efforts are there to choose from? Which ones will make the most of your donation? Enter the Lucky Duck Foundation.

We fund, lead, and activate high-impact programs that alleviate the suffering of homelessness throughout San Diego County.

The homelessness crisis in our region is an issue too big for one organization to address. It’s everyone’s business – from mom-and-pop businesses to Fortune 500 companies, to benefactors, big and small, public and private. And we need to focus that help in the most effective way to make change happen in the lives of those in need.

This collaborative process is what our founders Pat and Stephanie Kilkenny envisioned when they brought together local leaders from all walks of life and formed a group of “Lucky Ducks” – people who have experienced good fortune in their lives and want to share that luck with others facing hardship – to make a difference in San Diego.

Powered by gratitude and pride for our region, the Lucky Duck Foundation encourages all to “share your luck” and contribute any way you can – whether that be time, talent, or monetary contributions. We commit to providing the leadership, accountability, and sound business principles to make our donors’ contributions go as far as possible. When we fight homelessness, we benefit not just those in immediate need, but also area businesses, tourism partners, and the community at large.

Help us make fighting homelessness everyone’s business by subscribing and donating.

Some of the high-impact, collaborative homelessness programs that we fund, activate, and lead throughout San Diego City & County include:

  • Shelters – connecting individuals experiencing homelessness to shelter, critical services, and a pathway to long-term housing
  • Employment Opportunities & Job Training – providing employment skills, work experience, and job training across a multitude of industries through numerous community service providers
  • Food and Water – delivering life-saving food, water, and services to unsheltered San Diegans
  • Actionable Research – collaborating with San Diego’s institutions of higher learning to research, identify, and implement best-in-class strategies in support of individuals experiencing homelessness
  • Strategic Collaborations – maximizing resources, partnerships, expertise, and outcomes
  • Finding and Following Facts – polling San Diegans, 84% of whom said vacant government buildings should be used as inclement weather shelter
  • Signature Campaign – urging elected officials to open vacant government buildings based on overwhelming public opinion
  • Technology and Access – providing computers, tablets, and other technology to enable unsheltered San Diegans to pursue housing, employment, and educational opportunities
  • Outreach – linking unsheltered San Diegans to shelter, critical services, and other necessities
  • Meals and Food Rescue – eliminating waste by collecting and distributing unused food
  • Tuesday Group – weekly meeting of fact-based business and civic leaders committed to leading San Diego to best practices in all areas of homelessness
  • Symposiums – hosting regular meetings that convene business, civic, political, philanthropic, and homeless leaders and other stakeholders to drive collaboration and progress
  • Community Care Kits – supplying personal hygiene items and other necessities
  • And Several Other Initiatives – provided they are cost effective and best-in-class with proven results and effective leadership
  • Cash for trash – provided they are cost effective and best-in-class with proven results and effective leadership



Co-Founder and Board Chair

“To quote my dear friend Bill Walton, ‘I am the luckiest man in the world!’ I have been blessed with a loving family, devoted friends, and dedicated business associates. I would not be where I am today without the support of all of these people. The most rewarding part of having the success I have enjoyed throughout my life is giving back to my community. I am a Lucky Duck because this Foundation allows me to gather with other like-minded individuals and pay it forward together.”


Co-Founder, President & Executive Committee Chair
“I love being a member of the Lucky Duck team! It’s how I ‘share the luck’ that I have been so blessed with in my life. It’s hard work, but it’s so worth it.  If Pat and I just made donations, it would only have half the impact as it does by combining it with the gifts of the many other Lucky Ducks who join us in our efforts.”

Sheel Seidler

Executive Committee Member & Secretary

“I’m very excited to support the Lucky Duck Foundation and continue the momentum created by my husband Peter and the Lucky Duck Foundation and Peter’s legacy to help our homeless neighbors. It helps me stay connected to him and perpetuate his deep passion and commitment for aiding those in need.” 


Dan Novak

Executive Committee Member
Senior Vice President Global Marketing & Communications, Qualcomm (Retired)
“Everyone of us can make a difference. I deeply believe that San Diegans can come together to help ease the pain and to help our neighbors in need escape the dangerous, inhumane and unhealthy life on the street.”


CEO, K2 Insurance Services 

“After years of knowing and working with the Kilkennys in a corporate and friendship capacity, I was honored when asked to join the Lucky Duck Foundation Board. My wife and I really enjoy giving back and being part of a group that allows us to leverage the Kilkenny name and relationships to do good. This makes us Lucky Ducks.”


President, Gringo Ventures LLC 

“I started my business with a buck, a business partner and four team members. Now 20+ years later I have over 400 team members, no business partner, and a couple of bucks. I guarantee you that without a little luck, none of this would have happened. Granted, I was lucky to have two great parents who taught me the value of hard work and the importance of living a purposeful life. They gave me a great education and a solid base to build on. Like I tell my wife, after all the opportunities that I’ve had, I would have to have been a complete idiot not to do something halfway decent with my life. I’m honored to be asked by the Kilkenny’s to serve on the Lucky Duck Foundation Board of Directors. Being involved with the Lucky Duck Foundation allows me to give back to my community and I’m honored to be part of the team.”

Eugene “Mitch” Mitchell

Vice President, Legislative and External Affairs, SoCalGas and SDG&E 

“The mission of providing shelter and more importantly lending a helping hand to individuals and families struggling with homelessness is important to me because showing kindness and creating hope for people who are homeless is something that is a necessity. We cannot be a great community, city or region unless we sincerely and consistently address problems that rob people of comfort, dignity and safety.”

Keith More

Managing Partner, Bentley & More, LLP

“It is such a term of art, ‘making a difference’, this is what I love about the Lucky Duck foundation. So when the opportunity came along for me to be a part of this Foundation, I could not resist. Everyone has a story to tell and if we can help re-write their stories, we have made a difference.”

Tom Mulvaney

Aquario LLC, Managing Member

It is with gratitude and good fortune that my path crossed with Stephanie, Pat and all the “Lucky Duckers”.  The LDF Community that has evolved through its work is extraordinary. Homeless service providers, educational institutions, local government and our homeless sisters and brothers banding together to make lives better. I am indeed lucky.

Deborah Norwood Ruane

Founder and Managing Member at Norwood Development Strategies

“Joining the board of directors of Lucky Duck Foundation is another chapter of my career-long commitment to the issue of affordable housing.” Deborah Norwood Ruane is the President and founder of Norwood Development Strategies, a consulting firm specializing in providing solutions for the creation of multifamily housing to serve individuals and families who cannot afford the high cost of housing. Ruane’s experience in finance, real estate development and most recently, as Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer for the San Diego Housing Commission, facilitate collaborative solutions for developers, financial institutions and local governments to address housing shortages.

Brian Panish

Partner, Panish Shea & Boyle LLP 

“I am truly honored to serve on the Lucky Duck Foundation Board of Directors. The work the Kilkennys have done in the community is extraordinary. Their passion and devotion to giving back have inspired me to help them with their mission of doing good for others. I have been blessed and truly consider myself to be a Lucky Duck.”

Dana Pump

Founder and President, Double Pump Inc.; Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Harold Pump Foundation 

“I started out 25 years ago with my twin brother, David, and a basketball. The business eventually evolved into a marketing agency that leads us to some of the most amazing friends in the sports and entertainment space. Ultimately it helped start our family foundation. There is nothing more important to me than helping others, so when Pat Kilkenny asked me to join the Lucky Duck Foundation’s Board of Directors, it was a no-brainer! I am honored to be a part of such an impactful foundation.”

Ben Schuster

LDF Board Member and leader of the LDF advisory committee
Head of Capital Formation & Investor Relations, Comfort Capital
“Having personally faced childhood homelessness, my connection to the Lucky Duck Foundation’s mission is deeply emotional. I’m honored to support this organization, driven by its proactive approach to addressing homelessness in the San Diego community. Believing in the power of luck and considering myself extremely fortunate, I eagerly accepted the invitation to join the Board. I’m dedicated to passing on that luck, just as so many individuals have done for me, and making a meaningful difference in our community.”

Kieran Sweeney

Chief Executive Officer and President, Align Financial Group, LLC 

“When I worked with Pat Kilkenny years ago, he said to me ‘it’s a lot harder to ask for someone’s time or money for a worthwhile cause than it is to give it.’ So, when Pat asked me to be on the Board of the Lucky Duck Foundation and to participate in any way I can to help the Foundation achieve its charitable goals, I was honored. We have all been very fortunate in different ways, and it is humbling to be able to call myself a ‘Lucky Duck’ and work with Pat and all the amazing people associated with his Foundation to help those in our communities that need it most.”

Lori Walton


Philanthropy Editor for Giving Back Magazine

“So much of life is luck of the draw. I don’t think I would have had as much joy and success in my life, if I was born to a crack mother and never met my father. We are all in this world together and we are only as strong as our weakest link.”

Drew Moser

Chief Executive Officer
“The Lucky Duck Foundation is made up of really solid and successful people who are incredibly generous with their time, talent, and resources. Facilitating this generosity for the betterment of San Diego’s most vulnerable population is an amazing privilege.”

Candace Barrett

Recovery Coordinator, We See You San Diego
“I was a drug addict for 25 years with the last 6 years being homeless here in San Diego. I lived in the bushes of the riverbed, the drain tunnels at Hazard Center, underground caves along railroad tracks, cardboard boxes under bridges, and squatted in vacant properties. I have been incarcerated more than 20 times (close to 30).
On May 26, 2020, my life was dramatically and forever transformed by We See You San Diego. I now have full-time employment with this organization as their Recovery Coordinator and am part of the street outreach team. I have a beautiful condo with my husband of 24 years (who also walks in victory over chronic homelessness and drug addiction) in Rancho Bernardo—with NO GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE. I have regained a driver’s license and just recently graduated Bible College and am currently enrolling at City College for Drug Counseling.”

Derek Bing

Cafe/Print Associate, Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC) and Timmy’s Place
“My name is Derek Bing and I am a youth who has experienced homelessness for three and a half years since 2019. Since then I have been striving to better myself and to help encourage those who have had similar experiences in the past and current day. I’m happy to share my experience with any and all who want to hear from me and those who experienced the same.”

John Conroy

Homeless Advocate, Serving Seniors
Hello, my name is John Conroy. I experienced homelessness for a year, but I am no longer homeless. I am now an advocate for homelessness with Serving Seniors. Additionally, I volunteer as a musician, playing the piano at Sharp Coronado Hospital, the Serving Seniors Japanese Village Center, churches, and private donors’ homes.”

Joseph Rubio

Program Manager, Work for Hope, McAlister Institute
My name is Joseph Rubio, today I am a program manager for a program called McAlister Work for Hope which addresses the homeless and mental health population by helping people get off of drugs, addressing their mental health and giving them the skills to go back into the workforce and housing. The program is mainly funded by the Lucky Duck Foundation and the city of Chula Vista as well as several other entities. Prior to where I am today, I had a very rough childhood and spent over 35 years in prison on the life installment plan. When I wasn’t in prison, I was homeless, on drugs as well as living with a mental health diagnosis. I am grateful for where I am today, and I would not change where life took me through to get to this point.”

Makayla Scott

Peer Mentor, Promises2Kids
As an African American first-generation college graduate, I recently earned my Bachelor’s degree in Urban Planning Management and Design. Despite facing the challenges of homelessness and balancing motherhood, I have persevered and am committed to using my experiences to advocate for better urban planning and support for vulnerable communities.”

Arturo “Turo" Tomas

Outreach Coordinator, Youth Assistance Coalition
“My name is Turo and I use my lived experience with homelessness to coordinate outreach for the youth assistance coalition. I’m a graphic designer, student pilot, and an avid birdwatcher.”

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